In my opinion Diego Maradona was not only the best footballer to have ever lived, but the most interesting by a long way. His rags to riches rise to god like status is an incredibly romantic story which gave hope to every Argentinian, rich or poor.
His carrer was surrounded by contreversy; Drug abuse, alleged connections with the Camorra (a mafia type organisation in Italy), prostitutes, illegitamate children and the list goes on.
"I was, I am and I always will be a drug addict. A person who gets involved in drugs has to fight it everyday." Diego Maradona
A self confessed Cocaine addict, Diego Maradona has had every aspect of his private life made public, and has also probably had a lot of his private life fabricated, yet still remains God like to many Argentinians. His crazy personality, overwhelming talent, passion for the sport, passion for his religion and an inability to cope with the gift he was given and the world he was thrown in to have made him a true people's player.
It would be good to have someone that exciting playing for us in the World Cup, though the Hand of God was unforgivable. His excuse is quite funny though.
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